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Alternative Estab Editor for PC game Command Ops Battles from the Bulgue

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This project aims at providing an alternative estab editor for the Command Ops Battles from the Bulge game series (CO:BFTB), from Panther Games. This editor is a cross-platform desktop application implemented in Java and JavaFX.

The emphasis of this editor (compared with the original editor) is on the reuse and adaptation of existing data, which is achieved by accessing two estabs simultaneously. The main features of the new editor are:

Additional Tools:

The following image shows a screenshot of the editor with two estabs opened and some elements selected. Example of the editor working with two estab files


Executable binaries are released as zip and tar files in the release section of the project. The EstabEditorFX application can be run by simply uncompressing a binary release, entering into the bin folder and running the appropriate script, depending on the platform (.sh for windows / .bat for windows).

The sources can be downloaded directly from the links found at the top of this page or from the project page.


This application has been created by @magomar and @heinetron


Having trouble with the Editor? Check out the wiki or contact and we’ll help you sort it out.